Club News

Montgomery County Retired Teachers Association


President Steve Frees welcomed members and guests to the Sept. 9, Montgomery County Retired Teachers Association meeting held in the Crawfordsville District Public Library. Frees led the Pledge of Allegiance and Kathy Steele gave the invocation. Lunch consisted of pizza, salad, cookies, and water provided by MCRTA for the members and guests.

Joan Starnes introduced our guest speaker, Officer Michael Plant and K-9, Inga. He was also joined by Officer Logan Stewart and K-9, Captain. Officer Plant gave an informative talk about the K-9 program in Crawfordsville and Montgomery County. He answered many questions from members about the program. Officer Plant stated that Crawfordsville been host to several training events recently. Both handlers and dogs must recertify each year. Inga and Captain demonstrated their abilities to search out drugs for the group.

Following the program, Frees called the meeting to order. He mentioned members with September birthdays. The treasurer’s report was given by Barb Foster. A collection was taken for the Crawfordsville Police Dept. K-9 fund. Kim Nixon told the group that we had interest money from our Foundation grant funds to spend. She asked the members for suggestions as to what organizations should receive the money. The group gave ideas and Kim’s committee will determine how we will spend the funds. Member Concerns Chair Mary Lefebve sent thank-you cards to our past officers, Kim Nixon, Steve Frees, Karen Patton, and Larry Manlove. She sent cards of congratulations to JD Minch for his lifetime wrestling award and Eleanor Brewer’s retirement. She also sent 11 cards to members with a variety of health concerns. Colleen Page from AMBA talked about benefit reviews during the open enrollment period. Steve Frees, Glenda Frees, and Kim Nixon will attend the IRTA meeting on Sept. 24 in Danville, Indiana. Steve Frees thanked the members who helped with decorations for the meeting.

Our next meeting will be Oct. 14. The meeting was adjourned.