Sports Commentary

It starts for real this weekend


I remember long ago as a kid what this time of year meant.

It was the start of a new school year, of course, but there were other, more cool events.

The new TV shows came on, and more importantly, the shows that were coming back were going to start having new episodes after a summer filled with re-runs. Remember the summer when we all wondered just who shot JR? We found out about this time of the year.

Us sports guys knew that the baseball pennant races were starting to mean something, and if your team was still in the hunt, you started learning which guys were playing well, and who you needed to root for, and the teams to root against.

It was when the car companies rolled out the new models for the next year. What was the new Mustang going to look like, or the Camaro, or what new thing was GM or Ford  be going to be showcasing?

The NFL wasn’t what it is today — a 24/7/365-day media operation. I grew up in a Vikings market, and was a Vikings fan, but it was just the fall thing to start paying attention to. Heck, the hockey North Stars were going to be starting soon as well, so there was even that distraction. All the Vikings did was always lose in the Super Bowl, so no big deal there.

But today, it’s NFL or nothing (or seems that way).

And I’m part of it.

The regular season begins in just a few hours as I type these notes, so by the time you read this, you will know if the Chiefs have won or lost their first game after winning the last two Super Bowls.

My part of the action, as most of you know, comes Sunday, when, just like the car companies, a new model rolls out.

Our new TV product is this guy who used to be a quarterback for a team that won a lot of Super Bowls, who has gone from playing to being an announcer. His coming onto the sports television stage has been widely anticipated.

Yep, my first broadcast game on the same crew with Tom Brady is just a couple days away.

Our crew is looking forward to having him on the scene with us, and we have already observed how hard he is working to be the best analyst on the airwaves.

Because we also know that there will be A LOT of folks watching to see just how he does.

The people who count eyeballs tell us that our first game, this Sunday, will hit playoff numbers as far as viewers. Not bad for Opening Weekend.

It’s the Cowboys at the Browns in the doubleheader game late on Sunday afternoon. Yes, even with Tom Brady on my crew, we still draw the Cowboys. Everyone seems to watch the guys from Texas with the star on their helmets.

I’m driving to Cleveland, so there won’t be an airport story for Week 1, but there will be plenty to talk about in a couple weeks when we get back together. I am flying for Week 2.

I also know that in the NFL-saturated world, everyone will be looking in to see what their favorite team is up to. I know just how important this first game is for the Colts, and I also know just how poorly they play in Week 1. There isn’t an unimportant game in these early weeks. Setting the tone for a season is critical in a league where only 17 games are played.

But I won’t get going on the sports part — you can read plenty about that other places. This is for sports and messed up travel.

It’s too early for a lake-effect blizzard and too far away for a hurricane in Cleveland, so we will have to look for something else. It is the first anniversary of my near plane crash, the five-hour game delay, the taking a rental car to the wrong state and a 5 am flight to Chicago for a Sunday NFL opener.

Man, I’m going to miss that.

Safe travels.


Jeff Nelson is a frequent contributor to the Journal Review and works professionally for Fox Sports working with the Indiana Pacers, Indianapolis Colts and many more professional teams.