
South board opens meetings with student-led pledge


NEW MARKET ­— The school year is in full swing at the Southmont school district.

As part of a new student involvement initiative, trustees welcomed officers of the New Market Elementary student council with sponsor Dana Hunt in leading the pledge of allegiance. A different group of students will be chosen to lead the pledge each month by their principals and school leaders to practice citizenship and school leadership.

Several students and staff were recognized as Mounties of the Month: from Ladoga Elementary, first grader Dylan Pettice and 32-year special education teacher Sharon Redmaster; from New Market Elementary, second grader Jaxon Cummins and school counselor Sara Burkhart; from Walnut Elementary, fifth grader Addyson Krieger, and first grade teacher Jennifer Michael; from Southmont Junior High, seventh grader Keegan Light and special education teacher Rob Trautwein; and from Southmont High School, sophomore Gunnar Shirk and science teacher Mitchell Homan.

“It’s really nice to see a packed house to celebrate recognitions and positive things that are happening,” said superintendent Dr. Stephanie Hofer. “I’ve heard a lot of words like culture, literacy, positivity, and doing the right thing, and our Mounties are really proud and we’re really proud of them.”

The consent agenda was approved 7-0 and included the hiring of Stacey Landaverde, New Market Elementary nurse; Amanda Braund, junior/senior high substitute nurse; Makayla Oppy, junior/senior high substitute nurse; Chase Minick, high school study hall supervisor; Melissa Taylor, junior/senior high music department administrative assistant; Fierro Priesner, Walnut Elementary instructional aide; Haley Neal, New Market instructional aide; Robin Tomlinson, New Market instructional aide; Heather Wilkinson, junior high instructional aide; and Kiera Dixon, junior high instructional aide. Resignations included Tiffany Collisi as communications director and Lindsay Ballinger as junior high substitute nurse.

Stipends were approved in the following amounts: Sarah Fadil, junior/senior high fall play director, $1,250; Dana Hunt, junior/senior high fall assistant play director, $750; Sarah Fadil, junior/senior high spring play director, $1,250; Dana Hunt, junior/senior high spring assistant play director, $750; Amy France, sixth grade class sponsor, $211; Madison Karrfalt, seventh grade class sponsor, $211; Cayla Dennis, eighth grade class sponsor, $211; Amy France, junior high academic coach, $1,073 (1/2 stipend); Lesley Lashley, junior high academic coach, $1,073 (1/2 stipend); Jackie Baxter, junior high art club sponsor, $427; Gary Mosbaugh, junior high FFA sponsor, $825; Nicki Reimondo, junior high honor society sponsor, $427; Sharon Barr, junior high royal ambassadors sponsor, $427; Jennifer Snook, junior high yearbook sponsor, $1,277; Sharon Albertson, Girls Who Code computer science sponsor, $211; Jessica Barnhart, junior high FCCLA sponsor, $1,277; Cayla Dennis, new teacher mentor (seventh grade science), $250; Amy France, new teacher mentor (sixth grade reading), $250; Mitchell Homan, ninth grade class sponsor, $211; Rachel Scott, 10th grade class sponsor, $211; Sarah Fadil, 11th grade class sponsor, $825; Reasley Thompson, 12th grade class sponsor, $645; Shelby Olofson, high school math academic coach, $1,073.

Also, Rachel Scott, high school science academic coach, $1,073; Lucy Johnson, high school English academic coach, $1,073; Jerry Long, high school FCA sponsor, $427; Erin Gilley, high school FFA sponsor, $1,277; Lucy Johnson, high school National Honor Society sponsor, $427; Sandy Minick, high school yearbook sponsor, $1,277; Jessica Barnhart, high school FCCLA sponsor, $1,277; Caitlyn Tennison, new teacher mentor (English), $250; Rachel Scott, new teacher mentor (science), $250; Laura Cripe, Interact Club sponsor, $211; Mallory Kessler, high school BPA co-sponsor, $213.50; Shelley Allen, high school BPA co-sponsor, $213.50; Laura Cripe, English department chair, $1,049; Elizabeth Newnum, fine arts department chair, $1,049; Jeremiah Sparks, math department chair, $1,049; Rachel Scott, science department chair, $1,049; Reasley Thompson, social studies department chair, $1,049; Laura Duncan, special education department co-chair, $524.50; Morgan Ross, special education department co-chair, $524.50; Erin Gilley, vocational/CTE department chair, $1,049; Ali Kraynak, Spanish club co-sponsor, $105.50; Yessica Padilla, Spanish club co-sponsor, $105.50; Caitlyn Tennison, high school student council sponsor, $825; Elizabeth Newnum, band director, $3,000; Elizabeth Newnum, marching band director, $3,500; Sarah Fadil, choir director, $3,000; Sarah Fadil, show choir director, $1,000; Katy Yoakum, chess club sponsor, $211; Kelsey Feese, Bring Change to Mind sponsor, $211; Kelsey Feese, Mountie Mentor sponsor, $211.

The board also approved junior high after-school detentions on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the school year, SA-5 report for New Markey Elementary for the period of January-June 2024, donations made to the high school in the amount of $1,626.50, and driver and substitute teacher compensation.

Next month’s regular school board meeting, at which the budget hearing will take place, will be held at 6 p.m. Sept. 24 in the corporation board room.