Club News

Flower Lovers Garden Club


The Flower Lovers Garden Club took a road trip to Franklin on Sept. 4. Those who wanted to carpool met at Big Lots at 9:45 a.m..

First stop was Ann’s Restaurant for lunch and then to Dollie’s Farm for a tour. Ann’s Restaurant is a local landmark. Dollie’s is a five-acre lavender and U pick flower farm. The flower farm began operation in 2018 on the old homestead purchased by Tricia’s great grandparents. Farm fresh eggs are sold year-around at the farm. In the heart of the farm lies the floriculture field where there are rows of hand-planted lavender plus 80 varieties of flowers and 17 varieties of sunflowers.

The flowers are planted in rows so guests can easily pick flowers.

Hostesses: Jan Horner, Jan Stout, Jan Carpenter and Dorothy Fogel.

September birthdays: Donna Walton, Ruby Burkhart, Jan Horner, and Meribeth Kussmaul.

The next meeting will be a business meeting and garage sale/auction of gently used garden tools, decorations, and pots at St. John’s social room at 1 p.m. Oct. 2. Guests are always welcome.