FISH grateful for partnerships


We are in the middle of a hot spell but a little rain overnight is certainly appreciated. Saw chrysanthemums on display so you know we are heading toward fall. Many thanks for the influx of fresh vegetables. We had a slow start but are now seeing more donations of tomatoes and cucumbers.

With children returning to school there is a need for school clothes and shoes. Many thanks to those who think of our clothing bank when your children out grow what they have been wearing. We have made a good transition to fall clothes and will be looking for coats and jackets shortly. Remember the drop off bin behind Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church can be used at any time. Be sure clothes are clean and in a plastic bag so they stay that way.

The food bank has been serving a steady group of clients and new people register almost every day. The available cheese from Pace Dairy and eggs from several sources are making what we have better dietary choices. Having these products means we need more refrigeration. A member of our community understood the need when presented and has donated a new refrigerator. Ace Hardware receives our sincere thanks for this donation. Having a local partner who understands the need and can fill it is a valuable resource.

The food bank also received a bonus delivery of rarely seen foods on our shelves. Duke Energy has provided funds to Food Finders to help counties in our area. This week a delivery of fresh milk, cream cheese and ground Turkey provided a welcome addition to our shelves. The Ace Hardware refrigerator could not have come at a better time. Fifty-six households visited in one day and had these foods available to them.

A request for a United Way grant was submitted for FISH and we will know the results in December. United Way is just launching their fall campaign. It is important that our citizens know that Crawfordsville benefits in so many ways from all the grants the United Way provides.

Food donations really dropped off in August. It is our hope that churches and organizations will hold food drives soon. If you bring food to our door that is one less step that our volunteer staff has to do. Ordering or selecting, purchasing and picking up, delivering and shelving are all steps needed to put one can of fruit or box of cereal on our shelves. If you can do some of those first steps it would be most appreciated. Our volunteers will weigh and shelve any product you bring.

Please contact us with questions about deliveries or support for people in need. We are here to make life better for everyone. Our phone number is 765-362 3474.


Linda Cherry is president of the FISH Food Pantry. She provides a monthly column to the Journal Review.