
Art League of Montgomery County


The general all-member meeting of the Art League of Montgomery County was conducted Oct. 7 at the Crawfordsville District Public Library.

Present: Kathy Steele, president, Linda Weaver, treasurer, Terri Fyffe, secretary, along with 29 members. We also received one voting proxy from Kathy Keck.

Kathy called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

Welcome to members, returning members, new members, and guests. We are happy that Eleanor Brewer is able to attend our meetings again, and Ellen Ball is a guest this evening. New members: Judith Lynn Smith, Dept J; Alicia MacIsaac, Arts & Crafts II; Josie Stamper, Dept J, and Rebekah Mason, General Member. It is always great to have new members join this organization. Please continue to invite your friends. We had brochures at the Annual Art League Show at the CDPL. Numerous brochures were taken, so I hope we have more new members joining us. Invite your friends to join your department.

Karen Patton, one of the co-vice presidents and chairs of programs, is our speaker this evening and she introduced herself. She is presenting a program on the Arts and Culture of Costa Rica.

Karen said she first went to Costa Rica 30 years ago, envisioning beautiful beaches. Eight people went in August on this adventure. Christopher Columbus first visited what is now Costa Rica in 1502. Costa Rica translates to Rich Coast, but no “riches” were found.

Pura Vida — You’ll hear Pura Vida (poo-rah vee-duh) a lot. More than just “pure life” in its literal English translation, it’s the quintessential Costa Rican phrase. It’s a lifestyle, a feeling, a perspective, encapsulating how Costa Ricans cherish life’s simplest pleasures and find joy in the little things. In summary, they use it to say hello, goodbye, or to express that all is well. 

Costa Rican culture is a vibrant blend of indigenous heritage and Spanish colonial influence, with a dash of Jamaican, Chinese, and other immigrant cultures lending character and customs. The result is a nation of laid-back, friendly, and happy people. A nation whose official language is Spanish.

There were 25 cultural groups when the Spanish came. Indigenous people fled to the hills, so they didn’t clash too much, and they are very proud that the Spanish never “conquered” them.

The eight travelers stayed at the Studio Hotel which houses three floors of art. Karen shared pictures. There are stone spheres represented in different art forms. These puzzled Karen until she discovered that they are commonly attributed to the extinct Diquis culture. Over 300 have been found, especially in an area known as the Diquis Delta. The stone spheres of the Diquis were added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 2014.

The National Theater — Construction began in 1891, and it opened to the public Oct. 21, 1897, with a performance of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Faust. The National Theatre stood as a cultural asset of the country during a time when coffee exports were a source of their success. It presents high quality performances, with artistic criteria being very high. The building is considered the finest historic building in the capital, and it is known for its exquisite interior which includes lavish furnishings.

Mascaras — These large, paper mâché masks, in Costa Rica are used in parades and sold as souvenirs. Usually very elaborate and can be fairly heavy. Animal spirits, devil masks, folklore are some representations in the masks.

Overall, they all truly enjoyed what sounded like a terrific vacation. They traveled with Overseas Adventure Travel.

Kathy reminded us that there will be two more all-members meetings this year and the co-chairs, Carol Baird and Karen Patton, would be interested if you have any recommendation for programs.

Minutes: The minutes from the May 7, all-member meeting had been sent out for review by members.

Kathy asked for any corrections or additions. Finding none, Nancy Bowes moved and Pat Stull seconded to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s report: Linda Weaver presented the current treasurer’s report. Carol Baird moved, and Karen Patton seconded to accept the report as presented. Motion passed.

Budget Committee: Linda Weaver

One question we need to address is the excess budget that is available since we are no longer funding Athens Arts, a yearly amount of $1,800. At the executive committee we discussed several ideas. Examples: Increase the amount of the award for high school students, give awards for the Art Walk, give awards for Art League Art Show, purchase additional pieces for our art collection, create and pay for new brochures, purchase permanent tags for our art collection. You may have other ideas or have strong feelings about one of these suggestions. There were cards on the table. Members were asked to write their thoughts on the cards. The budget committee will review your ideas and bring a plan to the March 3 meeting.

Results of the cards from the tables: 18 produce a new brochure; 17 increase high school awards;

15 purchase permanent labels for the art collection; five add artwork to the art collection; four give monetary awards for Art League Show; four give monetary awards for the Art Walk; one lower the cost of dues to attract new members

Additional comments: Make rules to decide on pieces of art for the collection (This would not cost.); make a plan to accept donated art and to purchase pieces of art; do not like awards for art show or gallery exhibit. let each art piece be equal; how do we follow up with art award winners to see where they are and how the money is being used?; it is important to promote Art League.; do the Art Walk like we used to (longer time) with awards. (Counted above.)

Constitution Revisions:

The executive committee met and reviewed the constitution that was approved Oct. 4, 2021. You received a copy of the changes that are proposed by the executive committee 14 days prior to this meeting.

After reviewing the proposed changes, Nancy Bowes moved, and Tina Osborne seconded to accept the changes as presented. Motion carried.

Art Walk Report: Linda Weaver thanked all the members who helped with the Art Walk show, and those who shared their art. Kathy Steele mentioned that a special thanks was due to Linda who heads this committee and does a tremendous amount of behind-the-scenes work. Displays were at 34 locations with 40 artists represented.

Annual Art League Show: Kathy Steele

Kathy Houghton and Karen Patton helped Kathy Steele set up the displays of art at the Library. Twenty members displayed a wide variety of art including: hand-crafted cards, watercolor, oil, acrylic paintings, sailor valentines, jewelry, fabric art, pottery, and photography. There were 109 pieces in the show.

Newsletter: Betsy Strain

I hope you all took time to read the excellent newsletter by Betsy Strain. Thank you for submitting articles and pictures to Betsy in a timely manner. The submission date for the next newsletter is Jan. 24. Betsy would appreciate it if you could send articles and pictures before this date. The newsletter is a wonderful way to learn what other groups are doing.

Facebook & Social Media: Betsy Strain and Jennifer Hoar (assistant)

In the executive committee we discussed the need to increase our use of social media to inform our members as well as the community. We are in the process of updating our brochure, which should include ways to find our information digitally as well as apply and pay for membership. It would be nice if we could coordinate our projects with pictures for the brochure. Kathy asked if anyone got pictures at the Art Walk?

Pat Stull: Last year we created the Facebook Group - Art League of Montgomery County. The purposes were to make ALMC more visible to the community at large and to share ideas and events with ALMC members and departments.

Marilyn Smith is our outstanding communications coordinator who keeps us informed via email of ALMC events and necessary information. Thank you, Marilyn.

Some of you are members of the group. You may have responded to an invitation to join or gone to the site and requested to join. When a person asks to join the group, three questions are asked: Why do you want to be a part of the group? What is your connection to Montgomery County? Are you an Art League member, or interested in joining?

As an Art League member you can post to the group and invite others to join the group. Less than half of the 97 Facebook members are ALMC members. Perhaps you know someone in the group to invite to become a member. Invite them to visit the group to find out what the ALMC interests are. The September newsletter is in the Files section. When the new brochure is completed, it will be available for downloading at the Facebook page.

Group rules:

To encourage artists and promote the appreciation of art in our community.

The public can read what appears on the page but only members are allowed to post.

Self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links aren’t allowed.

Being part of this group requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great but may also be sensitive and private. What’s shared in the group should stay in the group.

Please send me department information anytime! The sooner, the better!

Communication Chair: Marilyn Smith

If you have pertinent information that needs to be sent to the membership, contact Marilyn.

Nominations: Sue Fain

If anyone is interested in holding an office for next year, let Sue know. Several officers have said they would continue, but we are in need of a president or co-presidents for next year. Sue will need to know which officers are not planning to continue as an officer. Every office is important and keeps this organization functioning. Your leadership is valued.

Membership: Peggy Herzog

Peggy informed us that people on the street stop her and ask for a membership brochure. Please have new people fill out the brochure form.

Property: Kathy Steele

All the artwork owned by the Art League is on the walls on the second floor of the library. This is historic and they look wonderful. It has taken some time to find, clean, repair, and hang all pieces. We do have one problem. After viewing the artwork, I noticed that at least five name tags are missing or need to be replaced. Artwork that has been restored due to broken frames or needed heavy-duty hanging materials do not have labels. Toni Ridgway-Woodall informed me that some labels were destroyed by unruly visitors. Toni said she did not have the labels to make the replacements and would like to catch the people who are destroying the labels. I have asked if we could get professional labels for her.

The last piece of artwork that was added to our collection was the piece by Jody Franklin in 1998. Does anyone know if there are rules or guidelines for obtaining pieces for the collection? What happens if a local artist, who is a member of Art League, would like to donate a piece for the permanent collection?

Reorganizing Historical Boxes of Art League: Kathy Steele

The Art League has six boxes of minutes, notes, brochures, and other memorabilia at the library. I need some help organizing the boxes to keep them current and in order. First, I need someone with experience in doing this and at least one member from each department that would be willing to assist. The goal would be to meet three times for about 2-3 hours. Let me know who is interested. I have looked in some of the boxes and it looks very interesting. Please sign the sheet that is being distributed.

The following Art League members signed up to assist with our historical boxes: H-Sandy Henthorn;

J-Betty Culley (She also signed up Helen Hudson); K-Sherry Harris and Kathy Steele; L-Mary Lou Dawald and Karen Patton; M-Nancy Bennett; and AC-Carol Baird.

Directory: Eileen Bowen

If you have any changes to your information in the directory, let Eileen Bowen and Linda Weaver know. It is so helpful to keep this information current and correct. I think we all appreciated getting the booklets at the May meeting.

High School Awards: Mary Lou Dawald

The Art League of Montgomery County was founded in 1896 by women who had a love of the visual arts ­— both the fine arts, such as painting and sculpture, as well as carefully made handcrafts. The organization has undergone quite a few changes in more than 120 years, but respect and appreciation for art in its many forms, and for the artists and craftspeople who create art, continues to be an essential characteristic of the organization and its members. For more than 50 years, the Art League has been recognizing high school students for their artistic creativity and accomplishments. We ask the art teachers at each of the three county high schools to select the senior that they wish to honor for their artistic achievement during their high school years. On behalf of the Art League of Montgomery County, we offer congratulations to each student and a check for $500.

Crawfordsville High School (selected by Charissa Ajayi) — Elli Jeffries, daughter of James and Joni Jeffries.

Artwork: favorite medium is watercolor

High school activities: Robotics Team Outreach Chair (finds sponsors for the team); National Art Honor Society (co-president); National Honor Society; and Speech Team (varsity discussion team).

Other activities: volunteers at Athens Art Gallery; works at Andria Grady Gardens (across from Willson School); and in the summer she detassels for Weaver Popcorn.

She plans to attend IU Bloomington to major in studio art and biology. After obtaining her undergraduate degree she would like to go to an art school for her masters and eventually earn a PhD and become a professor.

Southmont High School (selected by Eleanor Brewer) — Katie Pinchin, daughter of Leo and Sarah Pinchin.

Artwork: favorite medium is sculpting with clay

She works at the New Ross vet clinic. She plans to go to work at Random House after graduation.

North Montgomery High School (selected by Autumn Hinders) — Gavyn Waldon, son Jason and Heather Waldon.

Artwork: Creating anime with computer graphics

He creates anime and sells it online. He plans to attend the Columbus School of Art and Design in Columbus, Ohio where he will study animation.

Toni Ridgway-Woodall offered a suggestion for the high school award winners. She thought that the three winners could have space in the Mary Bishop Gallery to show their work during the month of May or at a later time. Even if they have some type of performance art, she thought they could perform at an opening of the event.

Department Chair Updates:

GM ­— Peggy Herzog — no report

H — Jan Vaughn Horner — September opening meeting, and they do not meet in January or February

J — Elaine Chase — they held a going away party for Helen Hudson.

K — Nancy Bowes — they went to lunch at Patachou in Indianapolis and then went to “Flower Alley” and Kathy Keck sent angel ornaments for each member

L — Susan Rosen — members went to the Fine Arts Gallery Opening of Greg Huebner’s art, and then dinner after. Making gnomes with Linda and Marilyn leading us in October.

M — Tina Osborne — September meeting was cancelled. In October they went to “Flower Alley” and Megan Jefferson, the artist, met them there for the tour. In November an artist is coming to talk, and in December they plan a cookie exchange and making an ornament.

AC — Carol Baird — they have three new members and are going to visit the Roberta Bowman “Witch Houses.”

Honorary Member Nominations: Kathy Steele

Information about nominating an honorary member can be found on page 21 of the Art League Booklet. Nominees for this honor should either be distinguished for artistic talent or provide outstanding service in promoting the Art League. Nominees must receive a unanimous vote by all members of the executive committee and then the name will be sent to each department for approval.

Note Cards: Kathy Steele

We still have notecards that are available for sale. Any boxes that we sell now are pure profit for Art League. They are $15 and make wonderful stocking stuffers.

Crafting Club: Toni Ridgway-Woodall

Toni wanted to know if any member would like to share their knowledge by giving lessons in a Crafting Club? You could do it for your department at the library or offer it to the public. Contact Toni at the library if you are interested.

Thank You: Kathy Steele

Thank you to the program co-chairs for planning tonight’s meeting and to members of Departments H and K for refreshments.

Thank all of you for taking an interest in art and for making your individual art departments fun and exciting.

Our next all-member meeting will be March 3, 2025, with Departments J and AC providing refreshments.

Gavel: Closed meeting at 8:36 p.m.