Pantry enters most expensive time of the year


The gardens are pretty finished though our bell peppers are making a last show. That means to our food bank that fresh produce is going to be in limited supply for nine months. If you feel motivated to drop off bags of potatoes, carrots or onions at our pantry in back of St. Bernard Church your donation will be accepted with open arms. Hardy vegetables that last to make soups and stews are in demand.

Our clothing and linen banks are now giving product for fall and winter needs. Full-size bed blankets and bath towels are high on our list of needs. Coats seem to be coming in for winter but boots and sturdy shoes are needed for both children and adults at our clothing bank.

We are working at reorganizing our directors so that more responsibility is spread over our 12 directors. We want back up plans for each of our program sites so that continuity of service is provided. The team that designed this plan is truly appreciated. Our directors approved this change of our way of doing business at our September meeting. This is a board where every member has a role to play to contribute to our success.

We have begun the planning for holiday foods and are seeking organizations and businesses who will bear some of the responsibility for providing the turkeys and hams that everyone enjoys at holiday meals. Please contact us in October if you are able to provide bags of potatoes or one of the desired meat items so we know what we must purchase from our funds. This is our most expensive time of year and just one meat bill was over $5,000 last year. Our client numbers last year were around 400 but this fall numbers are closer to 475. To make this all work communication early is critical. We have made several contacts for help but have not heard a response. We can do this well if we work together. Call 765-362-3474 to make donations.

There are individuals and businesses in our community who see need for support of others and respond. One generous donor gave over $10,000 at the end of summer for food. That donation paid our August food bill and a good part of September. I am sure there are others among us who want to make that difference.


Linda Cherry is president of FISH. She contributes a monthly column to the Journal Review.