
Looking good: We’re mid-way through fall sports season


As the new sports coordinator for the Journal Review, I want to thank our readers for the many compliments our team of contributors has received. Learning to operate without a full-time sports editor is a new idea locally, but not necessarily new to journalism. In fact, we know other newspapers are watching us as we learn to swim in these unchartered waters.

Our team is still staffing select contests, but more importantly, we trying to publish as many results as possible in our prep roundup.

So far, the feedback has been positive. Whether I am at a community fish fry, local sporting event or a local grocery store, the conversation always goes something like this.

Reader: “Hey Bob, I am really liking the way the Journal Review is covering sports.”

Me: “Thanks, we are just trying to get all the results and names in the paper.”

Reader: “I called my son and told him to look at the sports pages. I told him all the results reminds me how the paper used to be.”

Me: “Well it is only successful when we get the coaches’ help. Most are interested in promoting their athletes.”

That brings me to another point. I want to thank the coaches and athletic directors who are reporting results to the newspaper.

I also need to thank our team of sports writers and photographers. We have had some good photos and good stories and features.

Our Friday Night Lights previews and Pigskin Pick’ems page has been popular and has gotten people talking about local high school football teams. Our Pick’ems feature is gaining popularity. Of course, Jeff Nelson’s picks are a little skewed since the only time he selects a county team to lose is when they play each other.

Mentioning Jeff, I can’t wait to hear some Tom Brady stories since our local guy will be working with Brady on the Fox NFL televised games this fall.

I have also had compliments for bringing local racing back into our pages. We had stories on the happenings at Ironman Raceway and Ben Hur Speedway.

We are nearly half-way through the fall sports season and yet there’s so much more to cover.

I want to wish all our local teams the best of luck and encourage each one of them to finish strong. As always, the Journal Review will be right alongside you.


Bob Cox has covered county athletics for nearly 20 years. He is a retired community lender and is involved with local politics. He coached youth sports in baseball, basketball, and football for 25 years.