Kim Basinger is more passionate about animal rights than acting


Kim Basinger is more passionate about animal rights than acting.

The 'L.A. Confidential' star was honoured with the Albert Schweitzer award for her work investigating animal abuse by Last Chance for Animals at their annual gala.

Kim said: "I love my work as an actress, professionally ... but this is my heart ... and when I stand up for animals ... this is my heart. We do have a huge problem here, and it's far larger than we ever thought it really was."

The 65-year-old actress is an avid campaigner for animal rights and protested in South Korea about the consumption of dog meat earlier this year. She believes she inherited her passion from her mother.

She added: "I think I was furious at a very, very young age. My mom, it truly came from my mom. My mom was an American Indian, a Cherokee Indian, and you just don't mess with those people. She taught us compassion from a very young age, it's the best lesson you can teach your child."

Kim admitted that she was concerned about the number of animal cruelty posts on social media.

She said: "The atrocities I have seen that have been posted on Instagram, honestly, in the last two years ... its mind-boggling how many people - evil people, sick people - are out there torturing animals and then posting it."

Kim also urged the public to "be aware" of what's going on with regards to animal rights.

She exclaimed to Extra: "Please listen. Be aware. Be aware of everything that's going on out there. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid to heal what's going on because the animals do not, this is really a true statement, they do not need your tears. They need your help and the greatest thing you can do is just be kind."