
Extra Brotherly Love


It was so much fun being in Philadelphia this past weekend, I decided to spend about an extra half day there.

Okay, it wasn’t that much fun, and it wasn’t my choice, but I did have an extra six hours there on Monday waiting for a plane to fly home.

I just can’t seem to find an easy way our of the city of Brotherly Love.

Three weeks ago, there was not a flight early enough on Monday morning to get back to Indy so I could get to the Fieldhouse and work a Pacers game.

That same flight situation was present, but as it turned out, because the Pacers were a top seed in the NBA in-season tournament, I didn’t have to get back quickly because I didn’t have to work at the game.

That morning was a 5 a.m. drive to Newark and catch a plane.

This past Monday, I opted to catch a flight out of Philly instead. No drive to New Jersey, no 5 a.m.

What could be better?

Well, no flight crew wouldn’t be better, but that’s what happened.

I got a text early enough in the morning that my flight was delayed a couple hours, so I lollygagged at the swanky hotel we were at. I was on the 54th floor with what is usually a pretty nice view, but Philly was socked in with fog all weekend, so the view from my room looked like I had the grey curtains pulled shut.

With no scenic view, I headed for the airport late in the morning, getting another delay text as we sat in traffic.

There were no good options left. Changing flights only meant flying to some other city first and still not getting to Indy until about 6, so I pulled up a chair and piece of table and just got to work.

I got a lucky break because we had the 49ers last Sunday and we have them again this next weekend, so I had all my team notes and charts. I was actually able to get a bunch of productive work done.

I didn’t get any breaks in the flight home, as I was stuck in a middle seat, but even that wasn’t awful, since it wasn’t a terribly long flight and the three of us in the row were all about average size. There was enough room for us.

I texted my woes to a couple of the folks on the crew, and even the California guys were back at home before me this week. \

I know, woe is me.

The good part is that I wasn’t in a panic because of missing a game or being late for an assignment.

And no, I didn’t know I was going to get a short moment on camera this week, but yes, I did have a Christmas tie on – thanks for noticing!

That 49ers comment earlier has me heading west this weekend. It’s a trip to San Francisco technically, although I won’t get all that close to SF, the hills or the Golden Gate Bridge.

I will fly into San Jose, which is almost like covering the Colts in West Lafayette or Bloomington. The stadium is in Palo Alto, home of many computer companies.

San Jose is 45 miles south, and with traffic out there, a minimum of an hour’s drive. So, I’ll get to the Bay area, but won’t make any eye contact.

There is also a memorial trip today (Wednesday).

Dec. 6 is my Mom’s birthday, and this is her first birthday in Heaven.

I’m going to drive up to Valparaiso to have lunch with my sister, have some of mom’s famous tater tot hotdish, and we’ll say a prayer and sing her Happy Birthday.

There is chance of some snow, but I know Mom will take care of the roads for this trip.

Here is hoping everyone’s December is off to a good start.

It’s been a couple months since I was last in California – I’ll have a report next week.

Safe travels.

Jeff Nelson is a frequent contributor to the Journal Review and works professionally for Fox Sports assisting with NFL broadcasts and the Indiana Pacers.