Club News

Dorothy Q Chapter NSDAR


The Dorothy Q Chapter, National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution, met Feb. 18 in the Elston Memorial House, with Terri Fyfe presiding, as Fyfe opened the meeting beginning the call to order and leading us in reciting, The Pledge of Allegiance, American’s Creed, and Preamble to the Constitution, followed by singing the National Anthem.

Erica Church started with the President’s General Message about code word “Tootsie Roll”; a misunderstanding that will make a statement for the rest of time. Fyfe let the group know that all the heavy dishes were moved to the walk-in pantry as well as sealed silver and table clothes. Amie Boone-Cox was the guest speaker on her book “A Compass Pointing Home,” a wondrous story of her following her great uncle through history and the country. After the lovely presentation, the group broke for refreshments provided by the hostesses: Erica Church, Judy Fifer, Karen Scott, and Linda Keith.

Upon returning, some votes needed to be made as a few members needed to leave. Camp Atterbury requested gift cards which Barb Taylor made a motion to send some. Church seconded and the motion passed. The motion was made to reimburse Michele Border for the 125th Tea Party celebration by Sharon Southern and Taylor seconded. Motion passed.

Secretary Alexandria Southern then read the meeting notes from Dec. 18. They were approved with the correction of changing “escalating fan” as “oscillating fan.” Rachel Brown read the treasurer’s report, in which the Fountain Trust fund had matured and been moved to savings temporarily. The treasurer’s report was then filed for audit.

Fyfe then began with our committee reports:

Conservation — Southern lead with some trivia that 80 million tons of steel are recycled each year making it the most recycled material.

DAR Service to America — Just Fifer has taken up the mantle of taking manufacturer coupons for the group.

Cares and Concerns — The group will be sending cards to Rita Kirkpatrick, her husband, Linda Busenbark, and Karen Scott for health concerns. The group also sends a card and prayers to Borden for her loss.

Birthdays — Claire Kedvesh, Feb. 8, Elizabeth LaPort, Feb. 17, and Susan Fisher, Feb. 21.

Unfinished business — Fyfe lets the group know that America 250 is coming up and NSDAR will award funds for any planned events to celebrate the 250th anniversary of America.

Project Patriot — Don’t forget to bring in your short story of your ancestor who served in the Revolutionary War to share and to be submitted to state and nationals to assist others joining NSDAR.

Next month’s meeting is 2 p.m. March 18 at the Elston Memorial Home to honor the DAR Good Citizen’s Program.