
MCLA announces Community Day of Service


In an effort to increase volunteerism, Montgomery County Leadership Academy has rallied others to help create a Community Day of Service on Sept. 25.

The Montgomery County Community Foundation, United Way in Montgomery County, Wabash College, the City of Crawfordville and Crawfordsville/Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce have come together to assist in that effort.
The day will kick off at 8:30 a.m. with a rally at Pike Place where all volunteers will gather for donuts and coffee before heading off to complete projects from 9 a.m. to noon. Projects have been identified at 15 non-profit organizations throughout Montgomery County.

In addition to hands-on opportunities, donations of items for FISH Food Pantry and the Animal Welfare League will be collected at Pike Place. 

Finally, the Red Cross will be doing a blood drive at Fusion 54. Whether you can come volunteer all morning, drop by with a donated item, or give blood to address our national shortage, there is a project for anyone. 

“We encourage Montgomery County residents to get a team together, spread the word to family, friends and co-workers, and create a culture of giving back and making an impact,” said Monica Nagele, vice president of the MCLA board.

Volunteers are asked to sign up for the project they would like to participate in by visiting the Community Day of Service event on MCLA’s Facebook page or by connecting directly to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4AABAD2DA1FFC07-49476340-community.

You also may contact MCLA directly at 765-367-4125.