
Maple Grove Extension Homemakers


The Maple Grove Homemakers met at noon June 17 at the Waynetown Baptist Church with nine members present. This was our yearly picnic meeting but because of the hot weather it was decided to meet in the church. We all enjoyed the picnic lunch and the fellowship that followed. We had coney dogs, salads, fruit and desserts. There was plenty to eat and plenty of chatter to go with the meal.

After the meal the meeting was opened by President Linda Miller thanking all those in attendance. The meeting started with reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, and the Homemaker’s Creed. Roll call was answered with, “What did your wedding dress/attire look like?” and there were many different replies. The secretary minutes were read and approved. The treasurer report was given. Eileen Matricia gave the health report and how we should be careful and to take measures to protect ourselves from the extremely hot weather that we are having at the present time. She also had an inspiration on turning away from the evil that is all around us and to stay on the good road.

Achievement Night was attended by seven members from Maple Grove. Cultural Arts entrees from our Chapter were Judy McBride, Linda Miller, Judy Tulley and Carol Vice. Miller’s picture will advance to

the county fair. We will have workers to help for the Open Class exhibits between July 12-17. Open Class is open to anyone and you do not have to be a Montgomery County resident. There are 17 different classes offered.

Those that attended the Home and Family Conference reported that the crafts were much better this year. The classes were smaller and crafts were fun and enjoyable. Maple Grove received a certificate for being a long-standing club. Minnie Howard received a certificate of membership for 30 years of service, Claudine Whalen also received a certificate of membership for 45 years.

Since our officers for next year will be the same as this past year, a motion was made by Kirkpatrick and seconded by Tulley to not reinstall the officers for the upcoming year. Motion carried.

Our meeting next month will be at 1:30 p.m. July 22 at the Waynetown Baptist Church. This will be a week later than our usual time due to the fair. Kirkpatrick and McBride will be the hostesses.