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Letter: Voters should take a chance on Harris ticket


I’ve just returned from one of the most energizing weeks of my life. It was full of joy, optimism, and hope. I’m talking about the 2024 DNC in Chicago, and I was able to attend. The evening galas were as you saw on TV, powerful celebrations of unity and elation. I also sat in on less sensational events, though, where experts collaborated with business leaders and discussed pragmatic policymaking using smart strategy to build our economy.

I know many of you reading this have never voted for a Democrat but indulge me while I share a few take-aways from my experience. The economy and the cost of living were at the center of the discussions I attended. Leaders approached economic policy by listening to folks in the middle, those who think addressing renewable energy is important, but worry we can’t afford it (with innovation, we can); those who are sensitive to immigrants but worry that “we are full.” (we are not, but we acknowledge the need to fix the border and we have a plan). These experts are working to find real solutions to do what’s right while growing our economy, reducing inflation, and helping the middle class.

If you’re a Republican who is tired of the negativity and fear in your party, consider taking a chance on the Harris/Walz ticket. You’ll probably not agree on all the policies, but their end goals may not be that different from your own, not to mention their values of empathy, integrity, and hard work. Leadership should inspire hope, not chaos. Leaders should display dignity, care for the people they are leading, and want to serve others more than themselves. In the words of former Georgia Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan (Republican), “A vote for Harris doesn’t mean you’re a Democrat, it means you’re a patriot.”

Jill Rogers
