Kiwanis Club installs new officers for 2019-20 term


The officers and board of directors for the 2019-20 Crawfordsville Kiwanis Club year were installed at the club’s regular weekly meeting on Oct. 3 at the Crawfordsville District Public Library. 

New officers are Jerry Dreyer, president; Gary Behling, president-elect; Caleb Wilson, vice president; Charlotte Lingen-DiMizio, secretary, and Sharon Kenny, treasurer. Board members for the year are Chuck Sommers, Terry Armstrong, Dave Long, David Polley, Tom Neal and Jacob Moore. Jim McCampbell is the immediate past-president. The installation was conducted by Taka Ogata, the outgoing Lt. Governor of the Sagamore Division of the Indiana District Kiwanis Club.

Kiwanis is an International Service Organization dedicated to serving the needs of children all over the world. Kiwanians believe that the best way to improve a community is to improve the kids in that community. To that end, the Crawfordsville Kiwanis Club provides college scholarships to students in the three county high schools, support the Key Clubs, which are student community service organizations at the high school level, and Circle K, a student community service organization at Wabash College. The fund-raising activities of the club support numerous community organizations that are dedicated to making the lives of children in this community better.

In his remarks to the club, Dreyer said that this was the 40th anniversary of when his father, Gerry Dreyer, became president of the club in 1979. His mother, Maxine, served as secretary and pianist for the club for many years. He said, “So I have big shoes to fill, though I’ll probably never sell as many Pancake Day tickets as my Dad did for years.”

Kiwanis meets every Thursday in the RR Donnelley room in the lower level of the CDPL. Lunch starts at 11:30 a.m. followed by a short business meeting and program speaker. All are invited to attend any of the meetings.