
Flower Lovers Garden Club


The Flower Lovers Garden Club met at 1 p.m. July 3 in the social hall of St. John’s. President Karen Cook called the business meeting to order followed by a prayer. Two corrections were made to the minutes from the June meeting.

Belinda Grimble had a June birthday. It was recorded as Belinda Grimes.

Nancy Bowes has been a member for 12 years not the recorded 25 years.

A get well card was passed around for everyone to sign for one of our members recovering from surgery as well as the monthly money jar. The money contributed is used to purchase gifts for the Christmas luncheon.

Members going to Dollies Farm in Franklin for the September field trip signed up. Committees are being formed for the 2025 Garden Walk. Members are looking for gardens to be included in the walk. If you are interested in being featured on the garden walk, email .

The business meeting was paused for refreshments provided by the hostesses Laura Hutson, Nancy Bowes, Sandy Lewien and Ruby Burkhart. They chose a patriotic them for decorations including a red, white and blue kabob made with blueberries, strawberries and angel food cake. Following refreshments

Steve Cloncs from Pro Green Garden Center shared information about native plants and their importance to wildlife, agriculture, insects, humans and soil. Native plants are needed for pollinators, aerating the soil, feeding earthworms and providing habitats for many species of insects and wildlife. He shared that trees are also an important part of an ecosystem that supports local insects and wildlife.

Steve brought samples of several native plants which members could purchase. After his informative presentation, the business meeting was continued. Paula Furr gave an update on the flowers pots. Some of the plants aren’t thriving and a discussion followed about a solution for next year. Since not all of the pots are in the same sunlight, it was suggested that the plants chosen should be compatible with the pot location. Also the July garden of the month is at 1010 W. Main St. It is the home of Darlisa and Randy Steele.

The next meeting will be at 1 p.m. Aug. 7 in St. John’s social hall. Mark Townsend of Cousins Compost will be the guest speaker.

Guests are always welcome.