
Eagles Auxiliary celebrates 70 years

Pictured, from left, front row, Janet Ragsdale, Eileen Shelton, Linda Bell, Judy Consoer and Ruth Hutchins; and back row, Belinda Young, Linda Hudson, Shawna Timmons and Denise Hampton.
Pictured, from left, front row, Janet Ragsdale, Eileen Shelton, Linda Bell, Judy Consoer and Ruth Hutchins; and back row, Belinda Young, Linda Hudson, Shawna Timmons and Denise Hampton.
Alan Homsher/Journal Review Photos

The Auxiliary of the Crawfordsville Fraternal of Eagles Aerie 1005 celebrated its 70th anniversary Saturday.

The auxiliary was chartered Aug. 2, 1953. Beverly McCormick is the only surviving charter member

Ceremonies began with the state ritual team performing the anniversary ritual followed by comments by Madam State President Belinda Young. 

Nine past presidents attended the event, along with state auxiliary and aerie officers and local officers. Mary Watts was the first auxiliary president.

The current officers are Lisa Heiston, Past Madam President; Linda Hudson, Madam President; Natasha Headdy, vice president; Johnna Williams, chaplain; Ruth Hutchins, conductor; Denise Hampton, secretary; Rita Wilson, inside guard; and trustees Linda Bell, Ressa Conkright and Mary Hatch. 

The auxiliary meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Monday of each month at 920 E. South Blvd.