Club News

Dorothy Q Chapter NSDAR


The Dorothy Q Chapter, National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution, met at 2 p.m. March 18 in the Elston Memorial House with Regent Michele Borden presiding. She welcomed 12 members and eight guests and led the group in the opening ritual.

Our Good Citizen program was presented by chair Melody Davis. She introduced the Montgomery County high school winners: Teegan Bacon from North Montgomery, Jacob Burke from Crawfordsville and Gabriel Little from Southmont. These students then read their winning essays. The overall winner this year was Little, whose essay will be submitted to the Indiana State DAR contest. Congratulations to all three contestants on a job well done and good luck Gabriel. We are very proud of you all.

Our guests and members were treated to a St. Patrick’s Day-themed refreshments provided by the hostess committee of Terri Fyffe, chair, Rachelk Brown and Barb Taylor.

The business meeting commenced with the reading of February minutes and the treasurer’s report.

Borden then began with committee reports:

Banners -— Borden reminded us that this coming fall’s banner waitlist is full. Als, the cost of banners has risen by $5 due to printing costs, making them $1,130. The Banner Committee, consisting of Borden, chair, Judy Fifer, Erica Church and Alexandria Southern for Montgomery Country and Susan Fisher and Trudie Dillion for Fountain County has been talking to several area towns with banner information. If these communities would like to have banners, they will have to have poles and brackets for us to proceed.

DAR Magazine — Borden encourages members to subscribe to the NSDAR American Spirit magazine. Our anniversary announcement and picture will appear in the spring issue of the National newsletter that comes with the magazine, under “With the Chapters.”

DAR Schools -— Chair Rachel Brown gave a short overview of the five schools sponsored by NSDAR. Proceeds from purchase of the DAR Schools pin from the NAtional website go to these schools.

Project Patriot — Fifer continues to collect manufacturer coupons to send to the military bases. Also, we have received a thank you for the gift card we sent to Camp Atterbury.

Cares and Concerns -— Cards and warm thoughts are being sent out to four members with health concerns.

Announcements — One member has moved to Lafayette and transferred her membership to the General Lafayette Chapter there. We have a new associate member from Mt. Vernon, Indiana, who is also Barb Taylor’s niece and Regent of the General Thomas Posey Chapter. Welcome to Theresa Branson.

Dorothy Q Chapters was in the INDAR Newsletter with the five pictures and articles about our chapter events this chapter year. The newsletter can be found on the INDAR website under the “members only” tab. Broden also reminded us that she sends the Dorothy Q Review newsletter by email to all members monthly. Please check your email for news and announcements.

New Business — Let Borden know if you wish to attend the Indiana State Conference in May as a voting delegate. We may register online and go without being a delegate, if we wish. Chairman Davis of the Elston Memorial Foundation Board announced that Gay Eagleston and Susan Fisher are co-chairs of the grant committee for the foundation and are in the process of looking into grants to help pay for repairs and painting of our chapter house. Dorothy Q will be asked to sponsor the foundation and help with matching funds if and when they apply to NSDAR for funds. Indiana Landmarks is also being considered.

Next month’s meeting will be a pitch-in luncheon at 2 p.m. April 15 at the Elston Memorial Home accompanied by a presentation by author Jody Steelman Wilson.