
Civic band set to perform Sunday


Montgomery County Civic Band members will share “Gary’s Mix” with the audience Sunday.

Civic Band Director Gary Ketchum said this next concert in the summer concert series will focus on some of his personal favorites. The hour-long performance is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. at the gazebo on the grounds of Lane Place.

The band will open with the traditional playing of the “Star Spangled Banner.” Concert-goers will then enjoy “Lane Place March,” which was written by former band member Melinda Zenor, and “Der Lehmeister,” which translates to the master teacher.

The band will then perform “Instant Concert,” which will be 30 songs in three minutes.

The playlist will continue with “The Rakes of Mallow,” a traditional Irish polka, followed by a western tune, “The Magnificent Seven” and “Rolling Thunder.”

The band will return to another Zenor original, “Front Porch Swing,” then play “Carnival Sao Paulo,” a samba.

As always, the concert will conclude with the playing of “Stars and Stripes,” and children will be invited to direct the band.

Ketchum said this year’s crowds have been good, and he anticipates another well attended performance this weekend.

He reminds everyone this is the next to last concert in the summer series.

Concert-goers are asked to bring a blanket or lawn chair to Sunday’s performance.

Free-will donations will be accepted. Proceeds help the band purchase music for future seasons.