
Art League of Montgomery County


The annual dinner meeting for the Art League of Montgomery County was held at 6 p.m. May 7 at the Crawfordsville Country Club.

Present: Janet Zachary and Jennifer Hoar, co-vice presidents, Linda Weaver, treasurer, and Terri Fyffe, secretary, along with 43 members of the Art League.

Janet Zachary called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m.

Welcome to all members and guests. Janet Zachary introduced herself and Jennifer Hoar as the co-vice presidents and chairs of the program committee. We are substituting for Kathy Steele this evening. Kathy sends her apologies for not being here. She is on a trip to Algeria and Tunisia and will be willing to share pictures after her return.

A warm welcome to our guest speaker this evening, Megan Jefferson. We have several new members, some of whom are joining us for the first time this evening including Carol Homann (L), Judy Pfledderer (K), Nikki Wickholm (M), Diane Roth (AC), Linda Allen (AC), Toni Ridgway-Woodall (GM), Steven Beninger (GM) and Roselie Bambrey (K). We love expanding our membership. Please invite others to join your groups.

I would like to thank Linda Weaver and Department H for taking dinner reservations and Department K for the wonderful table decorations featuring the art owned by the Art League and on display at the Crawfordsville District Public Library on the second floor. A special thank you goes to Steve Park and The Golden Oldies Jazz Band for setting the tone of this meeting with their jazz tunes.

Darla Goodrich gave the invocation for the evening.

Janet Zachary provided information about our dinner this evening.

When most had finished eating, Janet then introduced our speaker this evening, Megan Jefferson.

A graduate of Miami University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Megan’s journey has been a colorful one. Her focus on painting has evolved into a passion for transforming spaces into vibrant works of art.

With a career spanning two decades, Megan has left an indelible mark on the art world. For the past decade, she has specialized in indoor and outdoor murals, crafting immersive experiences that captivate the imagination.

Her heart lies in the grandeur of large-scale murals, and she revels in the collaborative process of enhancing communities through her artistry. Having adorned hundreds of interior and exterior surfaces, Megan’s murals beautifully activate spaces.

Armed with stencils, spray paint, and an array of mediums, Megan’s artistic arsenal knows no bounds. She weaves together colors and elements to create murals that seamlessly harmonize with their surroundings.

When entrusted with a project, Megan’s creativity shines. She carefully crafts pieces that encapsulate the essence of the client’s vision, whether it’s conveying imagery, delivering a profound message, or simply harmonizing with the surrounding aesthetics. She’s not just an artist; she’s a visionary who brings communities and audiences together through her art.

Clients and projects include: Jiffy Lube, Indy Parks, Half Liter, Avery Brewing Co., Winthrop Plumbing Supply, TeenWorks and Indy Art and Seek.

You can find more of Megan’s work here:

Instagram: megsj1art

Megan introduced a slide show and told us about her work. She does indoor and outdoor murals. She is an educator at the Indianapolis Art Center, a non-profit organization. Currently she has been inspired by plants and flowers. In her studio she also does large scale oil paintings. Her husband is a pottery instructor at the Herron Art School.

Megan teaches watercolors — classes and workshops, or one-on-one. The studio is at 16th & Delaware in Indianapolis.

She works with interior designers who wish art to fill a certain size space for one of their clients. She demonstrated her depth of field work in some of her art pieces. Where the front is in focus and the back area is distant — almost in a mist. She uses lots of color and blending to invoke peace and contemplation. Among her works she has painted the back of buildings from 52nd to 56th Street by the Monon Trail.  She works with organizations and teams of volunteers. For some projects she collects donations door-to-door to help beautify their neighborhood. Murals seem to be trending now in Indy neighborhoods. Now many people are engaging her to paint their garage doors. One garage door area is known as Flower Alley. She is booked solid for the rest of the summer.

She usually uses Sherwin Williams Exterior Latex — 15 gallons on average for an outdoor project. Megan ended by answering several questions and we thanked her for a truly interesting program.

The minutes from the March meeting were sent out just after that meeting. Janet asked if there were any additions or corrections. Finding none, Karen Crawford moved, and Sherry Harris seconded to approve the minutes as presented. Motion passed.

Linda Weaver presented the current treasurer’s report.  She stated that currently we have 105 paid members.   Janet Zachary asked that all those in favor of accepting the minutes as presented say aye. Motion passed.

Janet asked Jan Vaughn-Horner to come forward as chair of the committee and introduce, call for a vote, and install the slate of officers for the 2024-2025 year.

President – Kathy Steele; co-vice presidents – Carol Baird and Karen Patton; secretary – Terri Fyffe; and treasurer – Linda Weaver.

Sue Ann Ford moved to accept the slate as presented. Nancy Bowes seconded. Vote unanimous. Jan then led the installation ceremony.

Jan concluded with thanks to the newly minted officers for serving The Art League of Montgomery County. Your leadership is important to the continuation of this long-standing community organization.

Department Chair Updates:

GM – Peggy Herzog —no report

H – Sandy Henthorn — they saw Roberta’s witch houses again.

J – Kate Lindsay — they had dinner at Peggy Herzog’s house where Fafy Boots spoke on growing up in Iran

K – Sherry Harris — they did a field trip to the Fowler House in Lafayette, and Glenda’s at Christmas — they have done that since 1977

L – Janet Zachary — did a craft project with Nanette at the Presbyterian Church; had a Pour Paint workshop with Anne Lovold; Sue Anne Ford led a tour of Purdue galleries; Carol Homann hosted at Christmas; had a poetry workshop in April with Gwynn Wills

M – Tina Osborne reported they went to Inspired Fire in Lafayette in February, and did a focaccia bread art project in a member’s home

AC – Carol Baird reports they attended a Beef ‘n Boards show; ate at Rhonda Mitchells; and did a field trip to Frank Lloyd Wright’s home in Lafayette

We have had six members of Art League who have passed during this past year. Peggy Herzog introduced the speakers who will share memories of these beloved members.

Becky Degitz (GM) Aug. 17, 2023 — Peggy Herzog for Kitty Haffner

Bettye Hudson (GM) May 10, 2023 — Sandy Henthorn

Eatha Sommer (H) Dec. 10, 2023 — Sandy Henthorn

Robert Foote (GM) Feb. 20, 2024 — Rick Chase

Mary Lou Hunt (GM) March 20, 2024 — Nancy Bowes

Betty Sheets (GM) March 28, 2024 — Adrian Ashbaugh

Notes from Kathy Steele: For the first time, all artwork owned by the Art League is up on the walls. Nothing is in storage due to damage. This past year, Variations on the Art League Design by Jody Frankland was reframed, and Foxtails by Peg Shearer was reframed. They are now able to be hung with pride. Past and Present by Martha McIlrath has also been taken out of storage and placed on the wall. Special heavy wall hangers were needed to get this piece of art back on the wall of the library. One last surprise was the discovery of the “offset plate” from the woodcut by Fred Vance (Martha McIlrath) was found in the Art League Box #5. This is about the size of a large postage stamp and not the size of the front over of the book. All 13 pieces are in good shape. Toni Ridgway-Woodall is going to create a few labels for the pieces that have recently been reframed, installed or have different titles.

Prior to the inspection this year, Kathy found a document signed by Larry Hathaway, Director of the Library, and Janice Clauser, President of the Art League, dated April 11, 2000. This document listed the names and descriptions of four of our pieces: “Bouquet of Flowers” by Fritz Schlemmer, “The Road” by Fred Nelson Vance, “Early Spring” by Marie Tinsley, and “Art League Woodcut” which was given to the Art League by Jody Franklin at the 1998 general meeting. The first three paintings had different titles than what was listed on the identification cards at the library. Kathy shared this information with Toni Ridgway-Woodall. Currently both titles are listed on the records that Toni Ridgway-Woodall and the President keep.

Next year, Kathy’s project will be to go through the six boxes of minutes, articles and photographs that are in the historical section of the library. We need to reduce duplicates and do some organization. If you have experience is working with historical records, Kathy would appreciate your help. Let her know if you are interested.

One more important item to share. Since the paintings have been cleaned and restored, Department K decided to put a picture of one of the paintings on the tables this evening. To add to your familiarity with the artwork owned by The Art League, pictures of eight beautiful paintings have been uploaded and formatted into notecards. This creative and detailed work was done by Anne Sipahimalani. Let’s give her a round of applause for their work in making this happen. Anne will fill us in on the details.

Kathy Houghton gave valuable information on where and how to get cards printed.

Kathy Steele re-took the photos of the artwork as the first were not dense enough. Annie resized, did the layout, and generally did the work to get them ready and finished.  Kathy really wanted them finished before she left on her trip.  The company doing the printing turned out to be a bit difficult to work with, but everyone persevered. 

Linda Weaver helped by sending in our Tax-Exempt information and our nonprofit status for a discount.

Nancy Bowes, Andria Grady, Peggy Herzog, Margo Campanelli, Kathy Steele, Sheila Evans, Dorothy Fogel all had a stuffing party at Athens Arts.   

Members can purchase a set of eight cards for $15 cash, check, or with Venmo. Pick up two sets and give one to a friend. They will be available at All-Member meetings or contact Kathy Steele. To share our beautiful cards with the greater community, plans are being made so the notecards can be purchased at Milligan’s Flowers, Carnegie Museum and Athens Arts Gallery for $18.

The Art League of Montgomery County was founded in 1896 by women who had a love of the visual arts – both the fine arts, such as painting and sculpture, as well as carefully made handcrafts. The organization has undergone quite a few changes in more than 120 years, but respect and appreciation for art in its many forms, and for the artists and craftspeople who create art, continues to be an essential characteristic of the organization and its members. For more than fifty years, the Art League has been recognizing high school students for their artistic creativity and accomplishments. We ask the art teachers at each of the three county high schools to select the senior that they wish to honor for their artistic achievement during their high school years. On behalf of the Art League of Montgomery County, we offer congratulations to each student and a check for $500.

Crawfordsville High School, selected by Charissa Ajayi, was Elli Jefferies, daughter of Joni and James Jeffries. Her favorite medium is watercolor.

Her high school activities include: Robotics Team Outreach chair (finds sponsors for the team); National Art Honor Society (co-president); National Honor Society; and Speech Team (varsity discussion team).

She also volunteers at Athens Art Gallery; works at Andria Grady Gardens (scross from Willson School); and in the summer she detassels for Weaver Popcorn

Her future plans are to attend IU Bloomington to major in studio art and biology. After obtaining her undergrad degree she would like to go to an art school for her masters and eventually earn a PhD and become a professor

Southmont High School,  selected by Eleanor Brewer, is Katie Pinchin, daughter of Sarah and Leo Pinchin. Her favorite medium is sculpting with clay.

She works at the New Ross Veterinary Clinic. She plans to go to work at Random House after graduation.

North Montgomery High School, selected by Autumn Hinders, is Gavyn Waldon, son of Heather and Jason Waldon. His favorite art activity is creating anime with computer graphics. He creates anime and sells it online.

His future plans are to attend the Columbus School of Art and Design in Columbus, Ohio, where he will study animation.

Directory: Linda Weaver printed and assembled the directories for 2024-25 and handed them out this evening at the dinner. Send any updates to Linda Weaver and Eileen Bowen, especially new phone numbers and emails.

Members in charge of committees for next year:

Membership Committee: Peggy Herzog

Directory Editor: Eileen Bowen

Newsletter: Betsy Strain

Communications Chair: Marilyn Smith with assistance from Elaine Chase

High School Art Awards: Mary Lou Dawald

Liaison to Athens Arts Gallery: Elaine Chase

Liaison to General Members and Honorary Members: Peggy Herzog

Nominating Committee: Jan Vaughn-Horner. The new Chair for the Nominating Committee will be Sue Fain. If you are interested in being an officer in the future, please let Sue know, especially the role as President. Kathy would love to mentor someone to take over this position.

Program Committee: Since Jennifer and Janet will be finishing their term as co- program chairs, Karen Patton and Carol Baird be taking on this responsibility. Please share with them any ideas you have for speakers for the three all-member meetings.

Next on the agenda:

Honorary Member: Pat Stull will read the nomination letter for our newest honorary member — Marilyn Smith.

The Art League of Montgomery County elects permanent honorary members for their distinguished artistic talent and/or outstanding service in promoting the Art League. 

Marilyn Smith is a legacy member of The Art League of Montgomery County as her mother, Marge Ross, was a member of Dept. G and president of the league in 1991-92. Marilyn continues the family trait of commitment to the league. 

Marilyn has been instrumental in keeping The Art League members informed. Beginning in 2005 she was the newsletter editor for six years. She made certain that members were knowledgeable about art activities both in Montgomery and Tippecanoe County.

After she retired from that position, Marilyn became the keeper of the league email distribution list. In that role, she responsibly updates the list and distributes timely information to the group. This includes not only the league newsletter, but also other art interests and Art League responsibilities. Without the conscientious work done by Marilyn, members would be in the dark about what is happening. 

We, the undersigned, believe that she deserves an honorary member designation for her steadfast commitment to The Art League.

Nominated by: Kathy Keck (Dept. K)

Additional Sponsors: Sue Ann Ford (Dept. L), Pat Stull (Dept. J)

Thank you for coming this evening. Thank you to our speaker for an interesting presentation and the Golden Oldies Jazz Band for creating such a festive mood for our event. Keep creating and caring for each other.

Adjourned at 9 p.m.