
United Way launches Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Program provides books to children from birth to age 5


United Way in Montgomery County announces the launch of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in the community.

Each month, the Imagination Library will provide one age-appropriate book for each registered child from birth to age five, absolutely free to the family and mailed directly to the child’s home.

The United Way supports and creates community-based and community-led solutions to issues concerning health, education and financial stability in the community.

“Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library provides an efficient and effective strategy to promote literacy and a love of reading,” said Gina Haile, United Way in Montgomery County Director. “I am thrilled this valuable resource will be available to parents and children in our community.”

This program aims to invest in early childhood development. Research indicates every $1 a community invests in early childhood education yields a 13% return on investment per child annually through better education, economic, health and social outcomes.

“As a Montgomery County resident, business owner, and United Way Board member, I know the value of early learners developing a quality home library, being inspired to read, so they are ready to learn and excel academically,” said Michele Hunley. “This creates a thriving child and, in turn, a vibrant, healthy community.”

The program is funded in part by the Women’s Legacy Fund of the Montgomery County Community Foundation. This grant covered the estimated cost for the first year of the program.

To register your child, visit www.uwmontgomery.org/imaginationlibrary/.