Club News

Psi Iota Xi, Gamma Xi Chapter


Thirteen members attended the business meeting of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Psi Iota Xi on April 3 at the Crawfordsville District Public Library. President Tonya Michael called the meeting to order with the opening verse and announced an anniversary and a birthday. The treasurer’s report was given by Pam Karle. The minutes of the last meeting were sent by email and approved.

The slate of officers for the 2023-24 year was approved. The officers will be Michael, president; Angie Griggs, vice president; Jenny Slavens, corresponding secretary; Tamara Hemmerlein, recording secretary; Julie Swick, conductress; Jennie Hesler, advisor; and Karle, treasurer.

Committee reports were presented. Our Everyone Reads in Montgomery County event took place at the CDPL on March 18 with area elementary children enjoying door prizes, crafts and refreshments. Everyone enjoyed how much the children loved choosing two books to take home. Some children couldn’t wait and started reading at the event. Our chapter members want to give a big thank you for the book donation to Penguin Random House. Soon, Karle will be delivering goody bags to some area classrooms for the Easter Bunny.

Plans are being made for our Summer Speech Clinic for children during the month of June. Area school speech pathologists will be contacting parents with information in April and May.

Our members are excited to attend the state meeting April 22 in Lafayette. We will be inviting Indiana chapters to attend the 2024 Indiana State Meeting hosted by our chapter.

The next meeting of the Gamma Xi chapter will be held at 7 p.m. May 1.

The meeting was adjourned with our closing verse by Michael.