
Mayor issues statement regarding Pride Fest at Pike Place


My office has received a number of communications from citizens regarding the June 22 Pride Event at Pike Place in the City of Crawfordsville.

Unfortunately, I am currently out of town on an annual family vacation, and I have limited connectivity to respond to everyone individually.

It is essential to understand that the United States Constitution guarantees certain fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble. Open public forums, such as public streets, sidewalks, and parks in the city, are areas where citizens gather to assemble, communicate views and discuss public matters. Pike Place is a public forum. As such, neither the City of Crawfordsville nor any governmental entity may prohibit a particular group from assembling or speaking in a public forum based on the content of the group’s message.  We simply do not get to pick and choose when to apply constitutional protections.

Under these constitutional principles, it is the City of Crawfordsville’s policy not to discriminate against any person or group on the basis of speech, or social and political views.

It is also the city’s policy that any individuals or organizations using public facilities must comply with all state and local laws. The Crawfordsville Police Department will be present at this event, as they are at all events taking place at Pike Place, to ensure laws are followed and that everyone remains safe.

Finally, the use of Pike Place and other public forums in the city should in no way be seen as an endorsement of any particular group’s speech or expression of beliefs. The views expressed by individuals or groups in public forums are strictly their own, and not the city’s. 

We have a great community and I strongly encourage everyone to look at these complex issues through the lens of the constitutionally protected freedoms we all enjoy.