
Dusk to Dawn offers upcoming workshops


In a world that often emphasizes communal dining and family gatherings, navigating the world of solo cooking and dining can be challenging.

Join Dusk to Dawn Bereavement and Monica Nagele from Purdue Extension on a culinary adventure that not only equips individuals with practical meal planning and storage skills but also aids in the healing process after experiencing grief and adjusting to cooking for one.

This support group will be held at Christ Lutheran Church from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesdays in September.

Participants will learn the art of efficient meal planning, creating a balanced menu that caters to their individual tastes and nutritional needs. They will explore smart grocery shopping, proper portion sizing, and innovative storage techniques to minimize food waste and maximize freshness. Participants will discover the secrets to preparing and storing a variety of dishes that can be easily reheated, allowing for stress-free dining on busy days.

Cooking has the power to be therapeutic, participants will delve into the emotional aspect of preparing meals for oneself. Individuals will explore how the act of cooking can aid in the healing process after experiencing grief and loss. Participants will learn to embrace solo meals as an opportunity for self-discovery and empowerment. Techniques for creating visually appealing and nourishing dishes will be covered, enhancing the overall dining experience.

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The complexities of passing on personal possessions within families are often underestimated, and the potential for emotional turmoil and conflicts can arise unexpectedly. To provide guidance on navigating this intricate terrain, the Dusk to Dawn Bereavement Services is proud to announce the upcoming seminar “Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?” on Oct. 11 from noon to 1 p.m., hosted at Christ Lutheran Church.

Guest speaker Monica Nagele from Purdue Extension will delve into research-informed practical strategies aimed at safeguarding familial bonds during the process of transferring personal possessions. Whether individuals are downsizing, decluttering, moving or facing the inevitable challenges after a loved one’s passing, the decisions surrounding personal property can often become a source of tension and division.

“Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate?” is an opportunity for individuals and families to gain insight into the emotional, psychological and practical aspects involved in managing personal possessions during life transitions. Nagele asks attendees to bring a personal belonging to the seminar to offer attendees a firsthand example of passing on the item and the challenges and solutions that could arise when distributing personal belongings.

Join us at Christ Lutheran Church for this seminar and take the proactive steps needed to preserve your family relationships while navigating the often-complex terrain of inherited possessions.