
Dorothy Q Chapter, NSDAR


The Dorothy Q Chapter, NSDAR, met June 8, at the Elston Memorial Home. Eleven Dorothy Q daughters and one guest present.

Michele Borden, Regent, called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m. She welcomed all members in attendance and introduced our guest today, Moira Cobb.

We began with the normal openings — Ritual, Pledge of Allegiance, The American’s Creed, Preamble to the Constitution, and the Star-Spangled Banner. Gloria White read the President General’s Message, and Ericia Church delivered the National Defender Report.

Michele asked Terri Fyffe to read the minutes from our May 11 chapter meeting.

Michele moved, and Rachel seconded to accept the minutes as presented. Motion passed.

Next, Rachel Brown was called upon for the Treasurer Reports. These will be filed for audit.

Rachel then mentioned that she believes the Memorial Fund which is at Fountain Trust should be moved to HHSB where other Chapter accounts are to simplify banking for our new treasurer, Pam Rager. Susan Fisher moved, and Barb Taylor seconded. Motion passed. The CD at Edwards Jones matures on June 26. Rachel suggested that this be cashed out and deposited for the balance of the summer in our savings account. In September the decision will be made as to where to invest these funds. Susan Fisher moved, and Linda Keith seconded the motion. Vote unanimous.

Standing Committee Reports: Military Banners — Susan Fisher gave us a report that Veedersburg has 48 banners, Covington has 48, Attica has 35, and Crawfordsville 30. Last month we voted to donate $500.00 to each of these communities for supporting our banners, and to give back to veterans. The distribution will be as follows: Crawfordsville-American Legion Post 72, Attica-American Legion Post 52, Covington-VFW {Veterans of Foreign Wars} Post 2395, and Veedersburg-Charles Forrest American Legion Post 288.

While discussing our military banners, Michele suggested for our America 250! Semiquincentennial activities, 2025-2026, we should put up two banners paid for by Dorothy Q one for General Lew Wallace, and one for Senator Henry Lane. Members present were enthusiastic.

Cares & Concern: Please remember Pam Allen who is recovering from a surgery.

Chapter Anniversaries: We recognized Rita Kirkpatrick for 20 years as of July.

At the INDAR State Conference, Dorothy Q received several award certificates for our participation in events this past year. Michele handed many of them out to the member who drove the work that received the award.

Terri Fyffe mentioned that she and Michele had lunch at the State conference with the chapter Regent from Horseshoe Prairie, who said she would put Terri in touch with the State representative who arranges help for citizenship naturalization ceremonies in Indianapolis. Terri has been copied on an email to this State rep.

The Elston Memorial Foundation (our chapter house) will be holding a fundraiser Bake Sale on June 15 of Strawberry Festival Weekend. All members are asked to bring donations and to sign up to work if possible. It will be held in our back yard at 400 East Wabash Avenue.

Rachel Brown, Treasurer, stepped forward on behalf of the Dorothy Q Chapter to present Michele Borden, our outgoing Regent, with a check for $100 towards an NSDAR pin of her choice, a beautiful bouquet of flowers, and a box of Wolfe Chocolates. She has been a very good Regent.

Terri Fyffe then stepped up to thank Michele on behalf of the chapter for making our chapter house a “home” during her tenure. She has spent time and funds decorating the house with items that truly make it feel like a home, rather than a meeting place. It has been noticeable and very noteworthy. Thanks very much, Michele!

Michele mentioned some upcoming birthdays for members, and an old tradition of making a monetary donation on your birthday to the Elston Memorial Foundation to help fund historic preservation of our 1882 chapter house. There is a small basket on the piano where you may drop your donation-any amount of your choosing. The treasurer of the Foundation picks up the money periodically and deposits it.

Michele then called upon Sharon Southern, our Chaplain, to lead us in the installation of officers for the 2024-25 year. Two members who will be officers were unable to attend today, and the position of Chaplain will be filled at a future date. Those installed were: Ericia Church, Regent; Michele Borden, 1st Vice Regent; Terri Fyffe, Recording/Corresponding Secretary, Historian, & VIS Chair; Pam Rager, Treasurer; and Susan Fisher, Registrar.

2nd Vice Regent, Chaplain and Librarian not present today.

Program: For our program today, several members toured the Lew Wallace Study. Larry Paarlberg, Director, was very appreciative of the $375 donation Dorothy Q Chapter gave to them in support of their youth directed ArchiCamp Program. “ArchiCamp is an architecture-themed camp that uses historic local buildings and imaginative activities to educate and excite children about Montgomery County history and instill stewardship and responsibility for our cultural heritage.” — from the Lew Wallace Study website

Michele handed out small gifts to each of her officers for the past two years in appreciation of their help.


July 7, the Civic Band will have an American Patriotic Program in the gazebo on the Lane Place grounds beginning at 3 p.m. They have asked Michele to say a few words of welcome from DAR. She would like as many DQ DAR members to come as possible and wear red, white and blue. You bring your own lawn chairs for these concerts.

The INDAR Central West District Meeing will be held in Speedway. We will carpool from the chapter house for those wishing to attend. Registration forms are due by July 10, and Michele will get one to you if you contact her. The fee is INDAR $20.

Our thanks for today’s hostess committee: Terri Fyffe, chair, Michele Borden, Pam Rager and Linda Keith

Our next meeting will be: Sept. 21 with the program: Montgomery County Civic Band Director Gary Ketchum performing special patriotic music. Hostesses: Judy Fifer, Chair, Linda Wilson, Barb Taylor, Sharon Southern

Adjourned: 2:35 p.m.