Civic band to showcase its talented members


The next installment of the Montgomery County Civic Band’s summer concert series will feature the individual talents of several band members.

The hour-long performance is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. Sunday at the gazebo on the grounds of Lane Place.

Band director Gary Ketchum said this concert showcases several band members, as well as individual sections of the band.

The concert will open with the traditional playing of the “Star Spangled Banner.” It will be followed by “His Honor,” a march that displays the talents of the woodwind players.

“Flute of Fancy” will be performed by soloist Julie Chalmers. She will be followed by the playing of “Fabulous Flutes,” which features the whole section.

Trumpet players will be front and center during “Travlin’ Trumpets.”

Cara Ruark will play the uplifting and inspirational “Serenade for Horn.” She will be followed by Gaylen King on the bassoon playing the effective and attractive arrangement, “Concert Rondo.” Fellow trombone players will follow with “Wagner’s Trombones.”

Alto saxophonist Patrick Burnette will play the classic “Moon River.”

Traleen O’Collins, a flute player, will wind down the concert with her singing of “I Dreamed a Dream.”

As always, the concert will conclude with the playing of “Stars and Stripes,” and children will be invited to direct the band.

Concert-goers are asked to bring a blanket or lawn chair to Sunday’s performance.

Free-will donations will be accepted. Proceeds help the band purchase music for future seasons.