
Alamo Alumni


A large enthusiastic crowd attended the 98th annual Alamo Alumni Banquet on June 1 at the Alamo Fire Station community room. By 5 p.m. members packed the hall in numbers not seen in several years. They traded memories during the social hour and at 6 p.m. settled in and enjoyed a delicious dinner prepared by the excellent cooks of the Ladies Auxiliary. Grace was offered by Danny Meadows.

Following dinner, Secretary-Treasurer Elaine Melvin Weir welcomed the Alamo graduates and their family members. Elaine began the business meeting by offering a tribute to our president of many years, Glen Williams, who passed last November and is greatly missed. She thanked the cooks, servers and the 1968 decorating committee for their special efforts. Crowded rows of festive tables displayed handcrafted basketballs and baseballs created by Kathy Stevens Hesler, photos of individual classes, flavored popcorn favors and vases of flowers.

Elaine read the minutes of last year’s meeting and the treasure’s report. Both were accepted and approved. Students who had passed in the previous year were honored and acknowledged. Elaine asked for volunteers for next year’s decorating committee and was happy to reappoint 1968’s class to the the task.

This year’s special guest was artist Michael Bowman who designed and created five murals on the exterior of Alamo’s gym in 1987. Michael spiked the crowd’s interest when he related he was hired by local resident Bob Walton who had planned to develop a country/gospel music venue in the gym. Michael painted the murals from images of “The Alamo” in Texas, Deer’s Mill Covered Bridge and Alamo’s school house and gym. He wryly mentioned his multiple trips up and down ladders and scaffolding.

Mr. Bowman concluded his remarks: “The premiere Country and Western show at ‘The Alamo’ was held on Saturday, October 25th,1986. The shows died quietly, but I’m sure that the dream is still alive.”

Very generously, the artist donated to the Association a unique painting of his which featured Shades State Park entrance gate. The painting was live-auctioned and won by highest bidder 1959 graduate Larry Hutchison. Also auctioned was a handcrafted quilt, designed and created by Kathy Stevens Hesler. It featured Alamo’s 1957 County Championship team members and cheerleaders on its squares. A prized memento, it brought fast and furious bidding and was awarded to top bidder Jim Fruits, a member of that championship team.

The auction was conducted by 1960 graduate, Ted Stout, a master blacksmith, who fashioned a splendid rare wrought iron Christian cross which he sold to highest bidder Danny Meadows.

The crowd voiced their approval after Danny, a long time member of Alamo Christian Church, announced the striking cross will be proudly displayed in the Church. Ted, always the congenial story-teller, sprinkled his humor throughout the auction, drawing appreciative laughter and higher bids.

Class of 1951 began Roll Call with member Shirley Walp Fruits recognized. The oldest member in attendance, Shirley is the proud possessor of the exalted Alamo Flag which hung center-spot in the gym for decades. Shirley’s mother, Olive Walp, hand made the precious flag which is now proudly displayed at Alamo Alumni Banquets.

Roll call continued as each class stood and was recognized, ending with class of 1967, the final class of graduates. Mark Fischer was youngest member. Linda Myers Johnson traveled from Wisconsin, the farthest distance. The Association welcomes any students who attended Alamo School at any time, whether a graduate or not.

Election of 2024-25 officers followed. Elaine Melvin Weir will continue as secretary-treasurer. Dotti Hedrick Sheehan was elected as the new president.

Laughter rang out multiple times throughout the evening as members recounted their youthful high jinks and tricks played upon each other. A distributor cap had been pulled from a certain graduate’s car somewhere in very dark, very scary Devil’s Backbone in Shades Park very late at night. No flashlight, no phone. Very lucky — no falling off the cliff!

The happy evening ended with the traditional singing of Alamo School song lead by the cheerleaders.