Family Friendly

Abuela’s Sombrero

Children’s author, illustrator to have book signing Saturday

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Local author Julie Bergfors will have a book signing event for her new children’s book, “Abuela’s Sombrero.” Joining her will be local artist/illustrator Leslie Warren who also will be on hand to sign and discuss her work.

The event will be held 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Carnegie Museum of Montgomery County,
222 S. Washington St. Books will be available for purchase by check or cash.

“Abuela’s Sombrero” is a multi-generational, heartwarming story about a grandma (abuela) and her granddaughter (nieta). The story begins with Maria, a new student at school, trying to find a way to stand out and make friends. When spirit week is announced, Maria knows she will impress other kids when she wears her abuela’s special sombrero to school. Her abuela treasures the sombrero and tells Maria she cannot take it to school. Maria borrows the hat against Abuela’s wishes and must face the consequences when she returns home.

Bergfors took inspiration for the story from her own experiences. She grew up with an Italian grandmother who lived near her family temporarily when she was a young girl. Her grandmother always had wonderful things to share and a family history to tell. Also, as a teacher and teacher’s aide for 15 years, she noticed the many ways new students tried to adjust to a new school.

The largest influence, though, came from her own daughter Maria. Maria celebrated many birthdays at the local restaurant Little Mexico. However, her fifth birthday was extra-special. After the servers sang and cheered for her on that particular birthday, she asked to keep the token sombrero. Her wish was granted. She brought the beautiful sombrero home. Even though Maria is now grown and lives away, she still has the sombrero, and it has become a part of their family keepsakes.

Once Bergfors had the story written, she sought out an illustrator. Bergfors had always admired the artwork of watercolorist Warren and asked if she would be interested.

“I was thrilled (and nervous) when Julie asked me to provide illustrations for her newest book,” Warren said. “As soon as I read it, I could already see some of the characters in my mind.”

The illustrations are colorful, detailed and bring the story to life.

A Spanish version of the book will soon be available. It was translated by Marlen Portilla Utterback and is awaiting publication.

Both Warren and Bergfors are now retired from the Crawfordsville school system. Warren loves to spend her time painting themes of faith, family and beauty. She is wife to Charlie, mom to three daughters and three sons-in-law, and Grama to 10 grandchildren.

Bergfors spends her time fulfilling her lifetime dream of writing and is especially fond of picture books. “Abuela’s Sombrero” is her second book and can be purchased at the Carnegie Museum of Montgomery County and on Amazon. You can follow her writing adventures at