Vice President Pence casts absentee ballot in Indianapolis


INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence has voted in the general election in Indianapolis.

Pence and his wife, Karen, cast absentee ballots about 8:15 a.m. Friday, shortly after the polls opened in the Indianapolis City-County Building. They voted in a drop-off ballot box outside the county clerk’s office.

“It’s a great honor and great to be back home again,” Pence said, giving a thumbs-up sign toward cameras.

Pence did not answer questions shouted at him from the news media.

Indianapolis City-County Councilman Zach Adamson, a Democrat, was outside the building on behalf of Joe Biden's campaign.

“I’m glad he’s coming to vote. We Democrats love it when people come to vote and we’d like more people to have access to the ballot. A lot of people are here because they are dissatisfied with what they are seeing, especially with the national response on COVID,” Adamson said.

Jeanne Barber, 69, of Indianapolis, came to vote without realizing Pence would be there.

Barber, who uses a motorized wheel chair, said she had to wait a few extra minutes to vote because of Pence but didn’t mind.

“I guess he has to vote somewhere,” she said.

Annie Gresh, 42, of Noblesville, was among a handful of protesters dressed as handmaidens outside the City-County Building. She wore a red handmaiden dress with a long skirt and a bonnet.

“We are so against this administration and we want to turn the tide,” Gresh said. “Instead of a blue wave, we want to see a blue tsunami.”

She said Pence should have voted by mail like President Donald Trump.

“He could have done it by mail instead of holding up those people’s time,” Gresh said.