Understanding PKU: A Rare Genetic Condition


(StatePoint) Imbalances in mood, learning, memory and motivation could be a result of PKU, which is short for phenylketonuria. Also known as PAH deficiency, this is a rare genetic condition that disrupts neurotransmitters in the brain and requires a special diet.

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For the approximately 16,500 people living with PKU in the U.S., there is good news. Not only can strict diets that limit many high protein foods and other lifestyle changes help, ongoing research has led to the approval of two therapies for the condition, and a third is currently under development. To learn more about PKU, as well the work being done by BioMarin, a pioneer for research and treatment of PKU, visit www.PKU.com.

Recognizing the signs of PKU and getting treatment is critical for proper management of the condition.