Rep. Brown reacts to speech


State Rep. Tim Brown (R-Crawfordsville) said Tuesday night after Gov. Mitch Daniels' State of the State address that he takes several positives out of Daniels' term in office.

"Even though the Governor is in his last term he has vowed to work through the end of the year," Brown said. "He feels strongly that he needs to use his time in office wisely."

Brown said that passing the Right to Work legislation is a key issue during this year's session.

"We have economic development directors telling us that we are loosing out on jobs because we don't have the legislation in place," he said. "We have a good business climate and a motivated, educated work force. We need the opportunity to have those jobs here."

Brown said that another issue that is up for debate is the statewide smoking ban.

"We are looked at as a slightly backward state because we haven't dealt with the issue," he said.