Indiana House passes bill that expands vote centers



Indiana General Assembly

has passed its first bill of

the 2011 legislative session:

a proposal to allow any

Indiana county to use centralized

vote centers

instead of neighborhood

polling precincts.

Lawmakers put the bill

on the fast track so that

counties that want to can

establish vote centers for

the May municipal primary

elections. The Senate

unanimously approved

the proposal, and the

House on Monday voted 68-

28 to send the bill to

Republican Gov. Mitch


While some House

Democrats joined Republicans

in supporting the bill,

Democratic Minority

Leader Patrick Bauer said

the lawmakers' first bill of

the session should have

dealt with more important

issues like creating jobs or

protecting education funding.

"It's a terrible precedent

to establish," said Bauer,

D-South Bend. "It says to

the people you care more

about your re-election than

the people suffering in this


Bill supporters said just

because the bill happened

to be passed first doesn't

grant it any significance.

Rep. Kathy Richardson, RNoblesville,

said lawmakers

have plenty of other

bills dealing with jobs and

other important topics.

"We have a lot of good

things we're working on,"

she said.

Under vote center systems,

counties replace

neighborhood precincts

with more centralized centers

at places like fire

departments, senior centers,

grocery stores or

shopping malls. Some caution

that voters without

transportation might have

problems reaching a voting

site if they are spread

too far apart, but supporters

say voters like the convenience

of being able to

cast a ballot away from

their neighborhood sites.

Tippecanoe, Cass and

Wayne counties already

use vote centers through a

pilot project, and have

reported savings because

they don't have to staff as

many polling sites.