How Pulmonary Rehabilitation Helps COPD Patients Breathe Better


(StatePoint) If you’ve been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) you know that it can impact many different areas of your life. What you may not know is that early and consistent management of the disease can greatly improve outcomes and overall quality of life.

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One disease management option is pulmonary rehabilitation, which has the potential to offer life-improving benefits to patients at all stages of the lung disease, according to the experts at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

A dedicated team of health care providers, including doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, exercise specialists, physical therapists, dietitians and psychologists, will work together to create a customized plan for your individual needs.

The majority of patients who participate in pulmonary rehabilitation report positive outcomes, including reduced COPD symptoms, increased physical activity and an improved quality of life. To learn more about the disease, visit

While there is no cure for COPD, it is highly manageable. If you are one of the 16 million Americans currently diagnosed with this disease, talk to your health care provider about pulmonary rehabilitation.
