Exercise enthusiasts come in many forms


What is an exercise enthusiast supposed to look like? Do they have an athletic build, wear a workout suit and have a protein drink in their hand at all times? 

This week’s Health Hero Judy Hammand could easily hide in the crowd, but her accomplishments are as surprising as her sense of adventure.

“Judy is a quiet person until she gets to know you,” revealed her husband Gary as we sat down to the interview at Allen’s Country Kitchen. This complicated things as Judy had a raspy voice. Despite a 100.3 temperature last Thursday she completed her first Warrior Dash on Saturday. 

“She had been looking forward to the Warrior Dash and she wasn’t going to miss it,” Gary said revealing his wife’s tenacious nature.

Judy was born in Danville, Illinois, and participated in track and field during school. Her involvement in Girl Scouts was a hint to her adventuresome spirit. In junior college, Judy studied horticulture and kept active at the YMCA, along with riding bicycle and walking. Most importantly, she met Gary and the two tied the knot in 1984. 

“I’ve never heard Judy say, ‘I’m just going to take it easy today,’” Gary said. “She’s always got some activity planned.”

The couple moved to the area in 1988 when Gary took a job at Nucor. Judy started at RR Donnelly then quit in 1998 to raise their foster child Tasha, whom the couple eventually adopted. Judy shifted to working out at home and walking. Judy made sure the family didn’t get bored. She planned adventures like riding a mule in and out of the Grand Canyon and whitewater rafting.

Since 2010, Judy and Gary have run the Indy Mini three times. 

When they tell people they have run the mini people often look surprised and say, “you guys run?”

The couple doesn’t carry the athletic look and don’t stroke their egos with constant reports of their activity on social media.

“I like the social effect, OK?” Judy said. “We enjoy the people and the atmosphere.”

It was the people in their lives who mattered when last February they got the call that no parent ever wants to get.

Tasha, their 29-year-old daughter, had died. 

“When we lost our daughter, your faith in God and your friends get you through,” Gary said.

Moving forward has been part of their healing.

Judy is a roller coaster nut and drags Gary along for the ride. 

“She wanted to ride the roller coaster on top of the Stratosphere in Las Vegas,” Gary recalled with a laugh. “I told her it was her idea so she had to sit on the outside seat!” 

Judy had a quiet smirk on her face. “Then we rode the Big Shot.” 

The Big Shot blasted them 167 feet above the Stratosphere to a combined height of 1,149 feet. 

“I take time to enjoy life,” Judy said. 

Judy has a goal of completing 12 5Ks this year. The Warrior Dash adds to those accomplished with the rest planned out except one.

“I can pick that up somewhere,” she said confidently.

Judy has worked at Random House for close to 10 years, at which time she is eligible for a four-week sabbatical. The two are planning to hike Yosemite and Brice Canyon and travel into Alaska. And Judy quietly smiles that smile that leaves you wondering what the next adventure will hold.

See you in the gym.