
Commissioners approve courthouse renovation bid


Montgomery County Commissioners are one step closer to renovating the courthouse.

On Monday, commissioners accepted a bid from J.R. Kelly Co. totaling $4,586,000.

The bid is under the engineer’s estimate of $5.05 million. The bid was awarded upon the recommendation of DLZ architect Henry Stellema. 

Stellema said once the county obtains the bonds to finance the renovation, the project will take 12-14 months to complete.

The Montgomery County Building Corporation will administer the debt repayment under a lease agreement with the county.

Commissioners received good news in the form of a project change order on the Purple Heart Parkway Extension Project. Due to a pavement design change in the road’s sub-base, the county received a $83,802 decrease in the total cost.

Conexco’s bid was awarded to do the scour project on county bridges. The bid of $623,000 was under the engineer’s estimate of $700,000. Commissioners gave Conexco the notice to proceed.

Associated with the scour project, commissioners signed an agreement allowing DLZ Engineering to do the needed right of way acquisition not to exceed $10,610.

Commissioners approved notifying bidders for the Thomas K. Milligan Justice Center improvements project. The work to be done will be American Disability Act improvements including construction of accessible parking spaces, replacement of existing sidewalks and renovation of concrete stoops and porches. The work will also include canopies at entrances and limited electrical and security work to increase accessibility for visitors and staff.

The cost of the project is estimated to be $199,000. The funding for the project will come from existing American Recovery Act funs.

Work continues on the Office of Community and Rural Affairs blight remediation grant to be submitted for the razing of the Alamo gym. The county committed to paying $188,450 which is their part of the grant. The estimated cost to raze the building is $688,400.

Commissioner John Frey said the gym actually sits on county property and not within the town’s limits and that is why the county is taking the lead in applying for the grant.

“We have met with the town council and this is the only way to get this project done,” Frey said. “The town would not be able to afford what it will cost us. Our hope is that someday the community will be able to use the property for something good down the road.”

Commissioners appointed Steven Parke to the Crawfordsville District Public Library Board to replace Phil Littell. Littell served on the board for 12 years and is retiring.

Commissioners also announced the burn ban initiated Friday has been was lifted.