Keyword: health
1883 results total, viewing 361 - 380
A startling statistic was made clear Monday by Women’s Resource Center Site Coordinator Amy Klossner: Upwards of 85% of children’s car seats are not properly installed. Klossner and … more
Dear Doctors: I sometimes have trouble sleeping. I’ve tried running, which helps with stress, but not with sleep. My husband says he just heard on the news that weightlifting is supposed to be … more
  Dear Doctors: My doctor suggested I start using a nasal irrigation system to reduce buildup of pollens that trigger allergic reactions. Could this also mitigate the risk of getting sick … more
Keep your nose to the grindstone, your shoulder to the wheel and your eyes on the ball. Above all, don’t blink, for if you do, the world could vanish. Everyday, the world as we know it is being … more

Dear Doctors: I had the omicron variant of COVID-19, and even though it was mild, I’m not back to normal. I am tired all the time, my joints ache and my sense of smell is still gone. I’ve … more
  Attention Disorders occur in about 7% of school-aged children, and boys are diagnosed 10 times more often than girls. Two-thirds of all children diagnosed with an AD will retain core … more
Hello, dear readers, and welcome back to our monthly letters column. We’ve heard from several of you that the information that gets shared here has proven helpful. For a reader in Wisconsin, … more
  Hello, dear readers, and welcome back to our ongoing conversation about all things coronavirus. We continue to receive a lot of mail on the topic, and we’ll keep adding bonus columns … more
Dear Doctors: Our grandfather is having memory problems, and my mom is trying to get him to eat more fish. I know fish is called “brain food,” but my mom says she has heard on the news … more

Hello, dear readers, and welcome to a bonus letters column devoted to your ongoing questions about the coronavirus and its vaccines and boosters. You’ve brought up important and complex topics, … more
By what name will the thief who steals your health be called? By what method will your executioner use to take your life? Will it be swift and painless, like the stabbing blow of a massive stroke or … more
Dear Doctors: I’m pregnant, and just like last time, random strangers feel it’s OK to comment on what I eat and drink. Is it true a little coffee is OK when you’re pregnant? My … more
Dear Doctors: My husband’s office went remote during the pandemic. He used to ride his bike to work and walk at lunch. Now, he’s at his desk from when he gets up until bedtime. I read … more
February is all about the hearts. Chocolate hearts, candy hearts, boxes shaped like hearts, teddy bears holding hearts, oh and your own heart. Yes, February is the month of love but it is also … more

Today’s column begins with a screaming match: “You just don’t get it! Our son, Mickey, tried to kill himself using your pills!” General Moore’s face throbs with anger. … more
Dear Doctors: I just heard on the news that black beans are considered to be some kind of miracle food. What makes them so special? Dear Reader: The headlines about the benefits of black beans are … more
A well-known saying goes like this: “A good way to measure the greatness of a nation is to see how it treats its’ most vulnerable citizen.” So, in America, what group of citizens do … more
Officers at the Montgomery County Health Department urged residents Tuesday to continue implementing protective measures as the COVID-19 omicron variant surge is reaching its peak. Even after the … more
Dear Doctors: Our teenage son’s vaping habit has his mother and me quite worried about his health. Nothing we’ve said so far has had any impact. I recently read that vaping can cause … more

Since the introduction in 1905 of the first school based test to measure a child’s mental abilities (IQ Tests), IQ testing has become a widespread practice. Because of this, testing has changed … more
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