Your View

Letter: Previous clerk supports Craft-Denbo


This letter is to the voters of Montgomery County. I fully endorse Leah Craft-Denbo for Montgomery County Clerk in this upcoming election. I have been involved with local government and elections since 2004. As the previous clerk, I know what it takes to hold that office. Leah has collaborated with me for the last 12 years that I was in the clerk’s office and the last four years of office as my chief deputy.

This office is of significant importance to our election system. This job must follow codes and legislation to ensure a fair and impartial election for all no matter what party or belief a voter might have. Along with the elections (which is maybe 25% of this job) the clerk must oversee and manage mostly all the aspects of our judicial system. As you know, the judicial side of this county is not slowing down but rather steadily growing. Simply put, you need someone strong to do this job. The legislation is constantly changing, and the future clerk needs to be up to date with those changes. Also, this office, consistently, is responsible for large sums of money all while balancing to the penny and reporting correct figures to the state.

There are some candidates and voters out there who think that they can change the law, not follow the rules, and make things go their way instead of doing things correctly for the people of this county. I can tell you without a doubt that Leah will always follow the law and do it with integrity. I ask the voters of Montgomery County to vote for Leah Craft-Denbo for Montgomery County Clerk of Courts. She has my vote and I hope she has yours as well.

Karyn Douglas
